After months of speculation, Microsoft has now confirmed that Photodraw has been discontinued. There’s no obvious replacement. Photodraw was perfect for quick work with photos and clip art. Nothing on the market comes close for ease of use or breadth of features. We can keep using Photodraw – it’s not broken, and it works fine after upgrading to Office XP – but this announcement means that there will be no new release to deal with Photodraw’s shortcomings. And more importantly, it means that creating files in Photodraw’s proprietary .MIX format is a dead end. .MIX is supported by Picture It, but that program doesn’t have the features to replace Photodraw.
Inexorably the graphics market leads back to Adobe Photoshop. Adobe’s new program Photoshop Elements is cheap and powerful, and it uses Adobe’s standard file formats. Back to the learning curve!
Is there a good replacement? believe it or not I still use this program lol. but I need something that will do higher resolutions and I have searched and searches and nothing is as quick and easy to use as Photodraw was.
I don’t think you’ll find anything as quick and easy as Photodraw. I still miss it. Adobe Photoshop Elements is somewhere between sixty and a hundred dollars and it has a lot of simplified tools that make it pretty appealing. If you have a Windows 10 computer, look in the Store. (It’s the only reason to get anything from the Store, which is otherwise pretty useless, but there are advantages to buying it that way – good licensing terms.) Paul Thurrott is one of the best-known tech writers about Windows and he uses Windows Paint every day. Maybe we should check it out.
Is microsoft PhotoDraw the same as microsoft word and Powerpoint presentation
Photodraw was a separate program for editing photos and creating projects. Now it’s long gone.