Bruceb Consulting provided IT support to small businesses and law firms from 1995 until 2024. Now Bruce is an author and raconteur.
Bruceb Consulting was one of the leading IT consulting firms in the North Bay for nearly thirty years. Alas, all things come to an end. Bruceb Consulting is grateful to the hundreds of law firms, small businesses and individuals who were loyal supporters and friends for so many years. Now he has written two best-selling SF novels, Uncommon Scents and Veilpiercer, available at fine Amazon links everywhere.
Bruce has been writing about computers and technology at and for more than 25 years. Read Bruceb News for AR & VR news, updates on the latest AI developments, computer tips, technology news & analysis, shopping suggestions, support information, security updates, and much more – written in plain English.
Bruce Berls started his career as a practicing California attorney, but he has been immersed in personal computing since 1982 when his first suitcase-sized computer was the envy of the lawyers at his firm. He became the firm’s technology resource, and more and more law firms began to turn to him for help. What began as a sideline became an important part of his career, gradually taking over completely from the practice of law.