Aug 13, 2018 | Amazon, Android, Apple, Echo, Google, Google Home, home assistants, Microsoft, phone
Five giant technology companies have set up walled gardens full of shiny devices and enticing services. All of us live in their gardens. We’re not completely locked in. We move from one walled garden to another, but each company hopes to keep you within its garden by...
Jul 15, 2018 | Android, Chrome, Cortana, Google, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, Office tips, OneNote, Outlook, Windows10
Microsoft has quietly improved the speech recognition features in Windows 10 and in the Office programs. They’re still not great but you might want to give them a try if you haven’t talked to your computer in a while. One fundamental truth has not changed: If...
May 10, 2018 | Android, Google
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” – Arthur C. Clarke Google gave one of the all-time great technology demos on stage this week at Google I/O, its developer conference. Before you do anything else, watch this video of Google CEO...
Apr 16, 2018 | Android, Apple, audio, augmented reality, Cortana, Dropbox, Google, IE, Microsoft, Office 365, OneDrive, Surface, video, Vista, Windows 10 S, Windows10, Windows7, Windows8
There was a time when Windows was cool. A long time ago, people lined up to get new versions of Windows when they went on sale. Maybe not quite the numbers of people outside of Apple stores at the height of iPhone madness, but still – Microsoft was pretty cool....
Apr 11, 2018 | Android, Apple, business, Chromebook, Google, IE, Internet, Microsoft, mobile, Office, Office 365, OneDrive, phone, Windows 10 S, Windows10
We have arrived at a point where Microsoft no longer has a Windows division. To a generation of computer users, Windows was the product that defined Microsoft and defined our own relationship to technology. Now that defining product is a legacy, used by many but...
Mar 14, 2018 | Android, Apple, business, Google, security
I never used a credit card in Australia. I bought coffee and sandwiches and souvenirs and dinners and clothing, but I never pulled out my wallet. I never used cash, either. I tapped. You should tap. Australian merchants accept mobile payments with Google Pay or Apple...