Jan 7, 2018 | Amazon, Android, Apple, Google, HP, Microsoft, security, Surface, updates, Windows10
Nearly every modern processor has security flaws that potentially could allow hackers to steal data from any computer or server. The two related problems, code-named Meltdown and Spectre, have the technology industry in a tizzy and spilled over to the mainsteam press...
Dec 21, 2017 | Amazon, Android, Apple, Box, bruceb, Chrome, Chromebook, Google, laptops, Microsoft, news, Office, Office 365, Outlook, phone, security, shopping, Surface, web_services, Windows 10 S, Windows10
A year ago I wrote this prediction: “The word of the year for 2017 is “chaos.” Write it down, seal it in an envelope, open it up a year from now and see if I got it right.” I think I get full marks. (Although Dictionary.com chose “complicit” as the word of the year,...
Dec 14, 2017 | Android, Apple, mail, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, Outlook, software, spam
Microsoft just wants to be helpful. It’s eager to be helpful. It can’t stop itself from trying new things, just in case they’re a little bit better, even if you didn’t ask for any changes and you don’t really want new things. Imagine that every six months you came...
Dec 6, 2017 | Android, Apple, iPad, phone
Apple will almost certainly become the first company in the world with a market capitalization of one trillion dollars, perhaps within the next year or two. The new iPhone X will help take it over that threshold. Apple continues to to exceed all expectations and to...
Nov 30, 2017 | Android, Apple, phone, security
On Tuesday, the word spread that Apple’s latest release of its operating system for Mac computers, MacOS High Sierra, had a terrible, dangerous problem. Anyone could sit down at any Mac computer and in seconds log in to an administrator account, with full permission...
Oct 30, 2017 | Android, Chrome, Chromebook, Google, laptops
Chromebook series Why Your Next Laptop Might Be A Chromebook Who Should Buy A Chromebook? Which Chromebook Should You Buy? How To Set Up A Chromebook Setting up a Chromebook is easy. That’s the point of a Chromebook, right? Supply the credentials for your Google...