Jan 3, 2017 | Amazon, Android, Apple, Dropbox, Facebook, Google, news, Vista
It’s the ten-year anniversary of one of the most important inflection points in history. 2007 was such an eventful year that its significance seems obvious in hindsight, but it’s gone unremarked until Thomas Friedman spelled it out in a new book. Thomas Friedman, the...
Dec 19, 2016 | Android, Apple, bruceb, Chromebook, Google, Internet, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, security, Skype, software, updates, Windows10
My goodness. Pause for a deep breath. By every measure that truly matters – personal, family, friends, relationships, community – 2016 was a glorious year for me. I sincerely hope you are the same – happy, healthy, rooted, and all your dreams coming true for you...
Dec 5, 2016 | Android, Apple, Google, Microsoft, phone
I have a couple of numbers about Apple and Google for your entertainment. The numbers are 88 and 91. They’re not what you expect. It’s an interesting world. Android – 88% Nearly 90% of all phones shipped worldwide in the third quarter of 2016 were running...
Nov 20, 2016 | Android, Apple, Google, phone, photos, web_services
(Happy Thanksgiving! Next article will be Monday, November 28.) Google continues to provide the best tools for non-professionals to work with photos. It has introduced a new app for scanning old photos, and it has improved the editing tools in its Google Photos app....
Nov 3, 2016 | Android, Apple, iPad, LastPass, phone, security, web_services
LastPass announced this week that it is now free to use on all your devices, including computers, phones and tablets. Here’s the LastPass announcement. If you’re a LastPass user, you can install the LastPass app on your phone or iPad now. If you’re not using LastPass...
Oct 17, 2016 | Android, Apple, Dropbox, Google, OneDrive, photos, web_services, Windows10
All the people who have asked me how to manage their photos on a computer are over 40. If you’re under 40 (“young’un” is the technical term), you take several hundred photos a day and it never occurs to you to “manage” them. If you want an old photo, you scroll...