Oct 10, 2021 | Android, Apple, augmented reality, business, Facebook, Google, HoloLens, Microsoft
I’m curious – when I talk about “augmented reality,” do you know what that is? I feel like it might not be part of the general consciousness yet. I don’t have any new development to point to, nobody introduced new products last week or anything like that. But it’s...
Sep 6, 2021 | Android, Apple, business, Chrome, Facebook, Google, law, Microsoft, news, Politics, Windows11
Since it’s a short week, here’s a collection of brief updates about stories you thought I had beaten to death already. Apple postpones CSAM features After criticism and pushback on its plans to scan photos for Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM), Apple said...
Jun 30, 2021 | Android, Cortana, Microsoft, OneNote, Skype, Teams, Windows10, Windows11
Now that you’ve seen the big picture of why Windows 11 exists, let’s go through some of the fascinating details. This could be the most interesting technology article you will read this year. Okay, probably not, but isn’t it better to go into it with an open...
Mar 24, 2021 | Android, Apple, Chrome, Google
Chrome is the web browser used by 7.9 billion people, more or less, plus it’s starting to be adopted by schools on planets orbiting distant stars. Google does not make big changes to it because of the people who use Chrome, approximately all of them hate change. But...
Mar 21, 2021 | Android, Apple
This is an action item. It’s not theoretical. This is not an article to file away in the special folder that you use for Bruceb News articles, the ones you’ve given cute names like Deleted Items. If you have an Office 365 mailbox, secure it with two-factor...
Mar 7, 2021 | Android, Apple, phone, security
The Bobcat loader pitched over the embankment and overturned in a ravine, trapping the driver and knocking him unconscious for several minutes. The driver, Chuck Walker, had seven broken ribs and four broken thoracic vertebrae. The exits from the Bobcat loader were...