Feb 24, 2016 | Android, Apple, Google, news, Politics, security
There are three points that are frequently overlooked in the debate about the FBI’s demand that Apple provide custom access to a terrorist’s locked iPhone. • Apple is not defying a court order • The FBI is seeking a broad precedent ...
Feb 22, 2016 | Android, Apple, Box, Dropbox, games, Microsoft, shopping, software, Windows Phone 8, Windows10
Windows 10 has two new icons on the taskbar. One is Microsoft Edge, the new unfinished web browser that Microsoft should have kept under wraps for a while longer. You’ve noticed that one because the “E” is intentionally designed to resemble the old Internet Explorer...
Feb 14, 2016 | Android, Apple, Google, Microsoft, mobile, OneDrive, phone, photos, software, video, web_services, Windows Live, Windows10
Google posted an announcement a few days ago that Picasa will be closed down soon. Picasa is two things – a cloud service for storing photos online, and a desktop application for managing photos on your computer. Both of them will be shut down in the next few months....
Feb 7, 2016 | Adobe, Android, Apple, Box, Dropbox, file_sharing, iPad, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, OneDrive, phone, tablet, web_services, Windows10
With some new additions last week, Box is now completely integrated with Windows and the Office programs. Microsoft has opened Windows and Office so partner companies can integrate with them, and Box is one of the first companies to take full advantage of the new...
Jan 21, 2016 | Adobe, Android, Apple, photos, software, Windows10
We are awash in photos. Our phones take better photos every year, and it’s so easy now to snap a dozen pictures where we would have taken one in the past, trying to get a picture with everyone’s eyes open. The selfies and landscapes, the pictures of food and loved...
Jan 12, 2016 | Android, Apple, iPad, mail, mobile, Office 365, phone
Chances are that you’re using the email and calendar apps that came with your iPhone or Android phone. They’re fine. No shame there. But you’re missing an app from Microsoft that does a better job. It’s named Outlook, because Microsoft cannot resist using the same...