Jun 17, 2011 | Amazon, Android, audio, business, Dropbox, iPad, mail, Microsoft, Office, Outlook, photos, web_services
Apple’s announcement of a collection of services sharing the name “iCloud” has generated endless articles about what it all means. I’ll talk about some of the details in the next few days but let’s step back and look at the bigger picture, because it encapsulates so...
Jun 6, 2011 | Amazon, Android, Apple, Dropbox, file_sharing, Google, iPad, mail, Microsoft, mobile, Outlook, phone, photos, software, tablet, web_services
Not everything works with everything else. Your expectations have changed so quickly that you might not have noticed. It wasn’t long ago that most people used a single PC at a single location and were content to leave the data on that computer behind when they left...
May 20, 2011 | Android, Apple, computers, news, phone
Everyone might get something useful out of David Pogue’s column today for the New York Times, a collection of tips and tricks for cellphones and computers. Some of them are basic, some won’t apply, but I’ll bet you find a pearl or two that give you an “A Ha!” moment....
May 2, 2011 | Android, Apple, Google, mobile, Outlook, phone, web_services
SUMMARY Google Tasks is a simple, free way to keep a to do list. If you have a Gmail.com address, you can click here to see a more useful view of the Google Tasks list. You can see your to do list on an iPhone or Android phone by going to gmail.com/tasks with the...
Apr 19, 2011 | Amazon, Android, Apple, Dropbox, iPad, phone, web_services
Previously: Sync Files With Dropbox Dropbox For iPad, Android Dropbox, Androids, And Security Dropbox Updated To Version 1.0 Sharing Files With Dropbox Last summer I put Dropbox on my Android phone, then panicked when I realized confidential documents were unsecured...
Apr 13, 2011 | Android, Apple, iPad, Microsoft, mobile, news, tablet, web_services
The iPad was not the first tablet on the market. Microsoft was one of the first companies to deliver a tablet, with the first prototype demonstrated more than ten years ago. No one cared. Apple created the demand for the iPad more or less from scratch, leaving...