Jun 6, 2011 | Amazon, Android, Apple, Dropbox, file_sharing, Google, iPad, mail, Microsoft, mobile, Outlook, phone, photos, software, tablet, web_services
Not everything works with everything else. Your expectations have changed so quickly that you might not have noticed. It wasn’t long ago that most people used a single PC at a single location and were content to leave the data on that computer behind when they left...
May 20, 2011 | Android, Apple, computers, news, phone
Everyone might get something useful out of David Pogue’s column today for the New York Times, a collection of tips and tricks for cellphones and computers. Some of them are basic, some won’t apply, but I’ll bet you find a pearl or two that give you an “A Ha!” moment....
May 2, 2011 | Android, Apple, Google, mobile, Outlook, phone, web_services
SUMMARY Google Tasks is a simple, free way to keep a to do list. If you have a Gmail.com address, you can click here to see a more useful view of the Google Tasks list. You can see your to do list on an iPhone or Android phone by going to gmail.com/tasks with the...
Apr 19, 2011 | Amazon, Android, Apple, Dropbox, iPad, phone, web_services
Previously: Sync Files With Dropbox Dropbox For iPad, Android Dropbox, Androids, And Security Dropbox Updated To Version 1.0 Sharing Files With Dropbox Last summer I put Dropbox on my Android phone, then panicked when I realized confidential documents were unsecured...
Apr 13, 2011 | Android, Apple, iPad, Microsoft, mobile, news, tablet, web_services
The iPad was not the first tablet on the market. Microsoft was one of the first companies to deliver a tablet, with the first prototype demonstrated more than ten years ago. No one cared. Apple created the demand for the iPad more or less from scratch, leaving...
Mar 30, 2011 | Android, Google, IE, iPad, mobile, phone, software, tablet, web_services
Previously: Battle Of The Browser Updates Comparing The New Internet Browsers, aka Microsoft And The LastPass Problem Syncing Bookmarks And Favorites With Firefox 4 And Chrome 10 Syncing Bookmarks And Favorites With Internet Explorer 9 I’m going to mention one...