Mar 30, 2011 | Android, Google, IE, iPad, mobile, phone, software, tablet, web_services
Previously: Battle Of The Browser Updates Comparing The New Internet Browsers, aka Microsoft And The LastPass Problem Syncing Bookmarks And Favorites With Firefox 4 And Chrome 10 Syncing Bookmarks And Favorites With Internet Explorer 9 I’m going to mention one...
Feb 3, 2011 | Android, Apple, mobile, phone, shopping
The iPhone will be available from Verizon in a few days. With luck, Verizon’s network will continue to be stronger than AT&T’s network, which staggered under the traffic load generated by its iPhone users. Early users of Verizon’s iPhone claim that it does...
Jan 19, 2011 | Android, Apple, iPad, Microsoft, mobile, Office, OneNote, phone, software, web_services, Windows Live
Microsoft announced today that it is making OneNote Mobile for the iPhone available as a free download from the iTunes store. Here’s a Microsoft blog about the new release. This has a bit of a back story that deserves telling. OneNote basics Every version of...
Jan 12, 2011 | Android, Apple, Google, iPad, mobile, phone, tablet, wireless
You probably saw the news that Verizon will begin selling a version of the iPhone that will run on its network starting February 10. We’re very conscious of Verizon’s business plans in the North Bay, since AT&T’s presence up here is feeble at best and Sprint and...
Jan 7, 2011 | Android, Apple, business, Google, hardware, iPad, laptops, Microsoft, tablet
The Consumer Electronics Show is keeping gadget freaks happy in Las Vegas this week. I can’t begin to tell you anything in depth – it is a frenzied scene, with close to a hundred thousand people looking at devices from literally thousands of exhibitors. Only a...
Dec 28, 2010 | Android, Apple, computers, mobile, phone, shopping, Windows7
You may be wondering where to start with the shiny new technology that appeared under the tree – after all, there are reportedly 200,000 Android apps and almost 500,000 iPhone apps, of which possibly 14 are worthwhile. How do you find the good ones? Engadget...