Dec 21, 2017 | Amazon, Android, Apple, Box, bruceb, Chrome, Chromebook, Google, laptops, Microsoft, news, Office, Office 365, Outlook, phone, security, shopping, Surface, web_services, Windows 10 S, Windows10
A year ago I wrote this prediction: “The word of the year for 2017 is “chaos.” Write it down, seal it in an envelope, open it up a year from now and see if I got it right.” I think I get full marks. (Although chose “complicit” as the word of the year,...
Dec 17, 2017 | Apple, Spotify, web_services
If you’re a Spotify subscriber, pay a visit to to get a look back at your Spotify listening habits in 2017 – the good, the bad, and the embarrassing. Your reward will be a playlist of your favorite songs from 2017, plus a second playlist of...
Dec 14, 2017 | Android, Apple, mail, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, Outlook, software, spam
Microsoft just wants to be helpful. It’s eager to be helpful. It can’t stop itself from trying new things, just in case they’re a little bit better, even if you didn’t ask for any changes and you don’t really want new things. Imagine that every six months you came...
Dec 6, 2017 | Android, Apple, iPad, phone
Apple will almost certainly become the first company in the world with a market capitalization of one trillion dollars, perhaps within the next year or two. The new iPhone X will help take it over that threshold. Apple continues to to exceed all expectations and to...
Nov 30, 2017 | Android, Apple, phone, security
On Tuesday, the word spread that Apple’s latest release of its operating system for Mac computers, MacOS High Sierra, had a terrible, dangerous problem. Anyone could sit down at any Mac computer and in seconds log in to an administrator account, with full permission...
Nov 13, 2017 | Amazon, Apple, Azure, Box, business, Chromebook, Cortana, Dropbox, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, Surface, web_services, Windows10
If you’re an individual or small business Windows user, you might have the wrong idea about how Microsoft is doing. We all tend to generalize from our own experiences. You can be forgiven for thinking that Microsoft’s future is dim when Outlook has just crashed or...