Oct 16, 2012 | Android, Apple, computers, Google, iPad, laptops, Microsoft, mobile, Office, phone, software, Surface, tablet, Windows7, Windows8
Windows 8 is a term that will be used to refer to several different things. It is the next operating system for Windows computers, but you’ll also see the name used loosely to describe a tablet operating system, a phone operating system, the environment for apps that...
Oct 14, 2012 | Android, Apple, iPad, Microsoft, mobile, phone, tablet, Windows Phone 8, Windows8
In order to understand why Microsoft has created Windows 8, you have to look at the long-term, fundamental change in the way the world uses technology. We are in the middle of a massive structural shift from computers to phones and tablets. Mobile devices, not desktop...
Sep 24, 2012 | Amazon, Android, Apple, Microsoft, phone, Surface, tablet, Windows Phone 8
HTC previewed the Windows Phone 8X and Windows Phone 8S at a press conference last week, with Steve Ballmer beaming onstage like a proud father. The phones will be available sometime in early November, along with the Nokia Lumia 920 and 820, the Samsung Ativ S, and...
Sep 12, 2012 | Apple, phone, web_services
Apple dominates the news today but perhaps not the way it was hoping: an underwhelming introduction of the iPhone 5 at the press conference yesterday, and some dissatisfaction about an extended outage of iCloud mail. iPHONE 5 First, the good news: the iPhone 5 is the...
Sep 6, 2012 | Amazon, Android, Apple, shopping, tablet
Amazon unveiled an array of new Kindles at its press conference today, from a $69 basic Kindle (a reduced price on last year’s model), all the way up to a high end tablet that tops out at $599. The details are interesting but the big picture is even better. Amazon has...
Aug 27, 2012 | Amazon, Android, Apple, computers, Dell, Google, HP, iPad, laptops, Lenovo, Microsoft, mobile, phone, shopping, Surface, tablet, Windows8
Get some popcorn, keep a grip on your wallet, and settle down. The action is about to begin. There are big changes coming up in the world of mobile devices, and the thrilling conclusion will affect your computers as well when Microsoft officially releases Windows 8....