Apr 14, 2011 | Adobe, Apple, backup, computers, IE, Internet, mail, Microsoft, security, Vista, Windows7, WinXP
These are the rules for being safe using a Windows computer in 2011. Memorize them, tape them to your refrigerator, pass them on to your friends! Install updates from Microsoft promptly. Look in the lower right corner for the gold shield (WinXP) or update icon...
Apr 13, 2011 | Android, Apple, iPad, Microsoft, mobile, news, tablet, web_services
The iPad was not the first tablet on the market. Microsoft was one of the first companies to deliver a tablet, with the first prototype demonstrated more than ten years ago. No one cared. Apple created the demand for the iPad more or less from scratch, leaving...
Apr 11, 2011 | Apple, Microsoft, security, software, updates, Vista, Windows7, WinXP
A large collection of patches and updates will be delivered tonight, Patch Tuesday, the second Tuesday of the month. Last month was a paltry bunch of updates, not really worth mentioning, but this month brings 17 security bulletins fixing 64 different vulnerabilities,...
Mar 16, 2011 | Apple, business, computers
It’s obvious by now that nothing pursued by Apple should be underestimated. Apple has had its share of unsuccessful projects over the years that languished or died, but it has all the momentum in 2011 to move things forward simply by focusing on them. Small businesses...
Mar 14, 2011 | Apple, iPad, shopping, tablet
If you’re considering an iPad, you must read this article by Marco Arment. Everything you need to know, in plain English. Verizon/AT&T or wi-fi only? 16Gb, 32Gb, 64Gb? Black or white? If you already have an iPad 1, is it worthwhile to upgrade to the iPad 2? All...
Mar 14, 2011 | Amazon, Apple, business, Google, iPad, mobile, netbooks, tablet, web_services
When I’m lonely and bored, I like to go back and read my old articles and marvel at how well I’ve been leading you through the fast-changing world of technology. It was just a year ago that I wrote these incisive comments about what to expect from Apple’s original...