Sep 10, 2007 | Apple, mobile, phone
Apple had to know that signing a deal with AT&T would lead to disgruntled customers. By definition, any customer of AT&T is an unhappy customer, right?It started when the first AT&T bills were delivered to iPhone users. AT&T chose to itemize each...
Sep 5, 2007 | Apple, audio, hardware, Microsoft, video
Apple demonstrated again today that it can run circles around everyone else with its handheld devices. There will be lots of news coverage of the updates to the iPod line – here’s one article, here’s photos, and here’s an exhaustive rundown of...
Aug 27, 2007 | Apple, business, computers
Acer, the third largest PC manufacturer globally, announced that it is acquiring Gateway and the eMachines brand purchased by Gateway a few years ago.I’m nostalgic about Gateway after all the years of buying computers in the famous cow-spotted boxes, but...
Jul 28, 2007 | Apple, business, Microsoft, Vista
As you can imagine, different people interpret these statistics differently. I’ve seen articles in the last few days that reach dramatically different conclusions. You decide which ones are meaningful.In the latest quarter, Apple Macintosh computers garnered...
Jun 26, 2007 | Apple, mail, mobile, Outlook, phone
Here’s an interesting possibility – an unconfirmed report that the iPhone will be able to sync with Outlook and Microsoft Exchange Server, using the same ActiveSync technology found in Windows Mobile-based phones. That would open a lot of doors for the...
Jun 24, 2007 | Apple, mobile, phone
The hype for the iPhone is building to a fever pitch, leading up to the release on June 29. There’s a twenty-minute guided tour at Apple’s iPhone web site with a lot of useful information about features and the iPhone’s look and feel.I’m still...