Aug 24, 2006 | Apple, hardware
Apple has announced a recall of 1.8 million Sony lithium-ion batteries, supplied with some iBook G4 and PowerBook G4 notebooks. Here’s an article with details about today’s announcement.Other manufacturers used the same batteries – this may not be...
Aug 15, 2006 | Apple, business, Microsoft reported yesterday that Windows XP is responsible for almost 87 percent of all Web usage, while all Windows versions combined account for 97 percent of Web usage. These days that’s a fair measure of an operating system’s market share.The second...
Jul 1, 2006 | Apple, audio, hardware
Interesting that the iPod is not the number one mp3 player in Asia, according to this report, which includes photos and comments on the top ten. The Creative Zen Vision:M is the market leader. I’ve been using a Creative Zen Touch for a year or two and it’s...
Jun 24, 2006 | Apple, software, video
Over the years, QuickTime has been one of the most frustrating bits of software available. Conflicting versions would wind up installed simultaneously, banner ads for paid upgrades would appear every single time a movie was launched, and why, oh why, is it impossible...
May 2, 2006 | Apple, security
Apple has some clever new commercials, featuring John Hodgman, the resident “expert” on The Daily Show. Very likable ads comparing PCs and Macs, showing the PC guy with a virus and crashing and the like. Funny!In unrelated news this week, one of the first...
Nov 12, 2005 | Apple, audio, DRM
With reports of viruses in the wild taking advantage of Sony’s malware, Sony has agreed to drop the DRM software it licensed and take a deep breath before jumping back into copy protection.Sony’s overreaching has ensured that every move intended to lock...