Oct 13, 2005 | Apple, mobile, video
The new video iPod is a mediocre product. Similar products have been on the market for months, some (like the Sony PSP) with far superior screens. Battery life is low and it’s deliberately crippled by copy protection. And think about it – are you...
May 13, 2005 | Apple, security, software
The Apple and Firefox evangelists won’t make eye contact with you for a while, since all the latest news of security flaws and exploits is aimed at them. Here’s a summary from Paul Thurrott, tech columnist: “There’s a certain poetic justice in...
Feb 7, 2005 | Apple, IE, Internet, security, software
I like Macs. I think they’re fine computers that do some things pretty well. Personally, the much-vaunted Apple design choices leave me cold, so it’s hard for me to understand why people would pay a premium for an Apple computer, but I’m happy to...
Dec 3, 2004 | Apple, security
I’m sure this will get lots of attention in the paper tomorrow as a gesture of fairness, given all the criticism of Microsoft Windows and Internet Explorer lately. But hey, perhaps you’ll be busy and miss the headline. Apple Computer released security...