May 22, 2006 | audio, Microsoft, software
Another week, another beta release from Microsoft. Windows Media Center 11 is the latest program getting a bunch of attention from the media – here’s Paul Thurrott raving about it, here’s CNet’s lukewarm review, here’s a negative review...
May 5, 2006 | audio, web_services
After the death of the file sharing program, the Napster brand was revived for an online music web site. There’s been speculation that it was struggling to survive in a world dominated by Apple’s iTunes.Napster’s newest promotion is pretty enticing....
Apr 3, 2006 | audio, business, DRM, security, video
Sony is gearing up its marketing department behind Blu-Ray DVDs, its next-generation disc for high definition movies. Toshiba and its partners are lined up behind HD DVD, a different, incompatible format. Sony hopes that you’ll buy its Blu-Ray players and movies...
Dec 12, 2005 | audio, software
If you’re looking for a stocking stuffer for a music lover, consider G-Force, which integrates with most computer music players and creates stunning visuals to accompany the music. It’s a long time favorite! The current version supports iTunes, Windows...
Nov 21, 2005 | audio, DRM
Sony is having a bad month. They’re still trying to sweep the whole thing under the rug, but their malware has even hit the comics page.If you haven’t been following this, here’s my note about the first report that some Sony audio CDs secretly...
Nov 12, 2005 | Apple, audio, DRM
With reports of viruses in the wild taking advantage of Sony’s malware, Sony has agreed to drop the DRM software it licensed and take a deep breath before jumping back into copy protection.Sony’s overreaching has ensured that every move intended to lock...