Apr 16, 2002 | audio, file_sharing
Wilco’s new album, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, will be released next week. And if you buy it, you might help improve the future of recorded music. Wilco is one of the few great bands that have emerged in the last ten years. Their first few recordings helped shape the...
Mar 28, 2002 | audio, DRM, file_sharing
If you’re trying to catch up on the copyright wars, here’s an article that does a wonderful job of summarizing all of the issues and how the different players stand. Copy-protected CDs, the death of Internet radio, the DMCA, digital TV, digital rights...
Mar 27, 2002 | audio, web_services
The music industry’s pay services, RealOne and PressPlay, are worse than you realize. Read the details here, then do what I did – uninstall all the RealNetworks software from your system and ignore the industry’s efforts to provide...
Mar 14, 2002 | audio, DRM, file_sharing
Morpheus was looking like an ally in the fight to keep file trading alive. It didn’t include spyware in its software, and its new software tapped into the truly decentralized Gnutella world, where the record companies would be hardpressed to shut it down. But...
Jan 16, 2002 | audio, hardware, video
The home entertainment devices that will be hot next Christmas are taking shape. At the recent Consumer Electronics Show, a new company demonstrated the MoxiMedia Center, which combines a cable or satellite TV receiver, a personal video recorder (like Tivo or Replay),...
Dec 20, 2001 | audio, hardware
An interesting toy for music buffs. If you’ve been a Napster or MusicCity or AudioGalaxy user, you’ve probably assembled a sizable library of music on your hard drive. The Turtle Beach Audiotron is set up with your hi-fi equipment to play through your home...