Oct 9, 2022 | Android, Apple, augmented reality, business, Facebook, Google, hardware, virtual reality
Augmented reality glasses will replace your mobile phone. Well, that’s the vision, so to speak. Don’t take my word for it. That’s what Tim Cook thinks, and I hear he’s pretty well informed. It’s not going to happen very soon. A lot of devices will come and go during...
Aug 21, 2022 | augmented reality, business, Facebook, games, virtual reality
Luxuriate in the awfulness of the above picture. It’s Mark Zuckerberg’s avatar in virtual reality, taking a selfie in front of the Eiffel Tower and it’s hard to be sure, maybe Sagrada Familia in Barcelona? Meta released the picture to promote the...
Jul 28, 2022 | Apple, augmented reality, Google, Privacy
Google is going to send a few of its AR glasses to the outside world to get better testing feedback. Its announcement was carefully calibrated to forestall cheap jokes about a new generation of “Google Glassholes.” Apparently the Google AR team is carefully reading...
Jul 20, 2022 | augmented reality, books, bruceb, humor
Uncommon Scents is a novel by – why, it’s by me! And by Jim Rowson, a former Google software engineer, who has joined me in writing a a cautionary frolic that has more humor and 80% less dystopia than the average near-future thriller. Jim should not be held...
Jul 13, 2022 | augmented reality, business, news
Three weeks ago Drew Perkins, the CEO of Mojo Vision, wore a feature-complete augmented reality smart contact lens at the company’s labs in Saratoga, CA. He could “interact with a compass to find my bearings, view images, and use an on-screen teleprompter.” To be...
Jun 29, 2022 | augmented reality, business, law, news, Privacy, security
I’ve been writing about privacy for a long time. I wrote a series of articles about location tracking and a useful overview of data brokers and a long series of articles about privacy and trust. Most recently I wrote a cautionary article about why privacy concerns...