Sep 10, 2017 | backup, Box, Dropbox, file_sharing, Google, Google Drive, Microsoft, OneDrive, photos, web_services, Windows10
Google is changing the programs that Windows and Mac computers use to store photos and files online. You’re not required to do anything right away but some of you will be prompted to update to a new program in the next few months. Let’s see if we can unravel some of...
Aug 28, 2017 | Adobe, Android, Apple, Box, Dropbox, Google, Google Drive, Microsoft, mobile, Office 365, OneDrive, phone, web_services
One of the technology challenges in 2017 is simply remembering what can be done with your phone or computer. It’s easy to add apps to your phone or install programs on your computer; it’s harder to remember them a few weeks later when you have something new to do....
Jun 14, 2017 | Apple, Box, Dropbox, OneDrive, web_services, Windows10
Today Box announced that Box Drive is generally available. We are beginning a profound shift in the way we think about our files. This deserves some attention even if you don’t use Box – Dropbox and OneDrive will be following suit before long. Box Drive is a new...
Mar 16, 2017 | Box, Dropbox, file_sharing, Google, Google Drive, Microsoft, OneDrive, web_services
Microsoft is losing another race. This one should have been Microsoft’s race to win but it is falling behind for familiar reasons: an inability to keep up with the competition, and its self-inflicted injuries from making overly complex, confusing services with poorly...
Feb 16, 2017 | Box, Dropbox, file_sharing, Microsoft, Office, OneDrive, web_services, Windows10
Dropbox has begun to roll out important improvements in its services for business. In particular, Dropbox team folders finally make Dropbox a viable competitor for Box for shared online company folders. Some background before we get to the new features. Although...
Feb 6, 2017 | Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, hardware, LastPass, OneDrive, shopping
Fujitsu has made the best small business scanner for many years. You should have one on the desk of every employee who deals with paper. The Fujitsu iX500 was introduced almost eight years ago. It was designed so well that it is almost unchanged today, and it...