Jul 21, 2013 | bruceb, security, software, updates
On Patch Tuesday this month, Microsoft released an upgrade to Microsoft Security Essentials, the security program used by just about everyone. The program itself is being updated – it’s more than just new virus definitions – and it was supposed to be installed...
May 16, 2013 | bruceb, spam, web_services
Sometimes it seems as if we’re making progress against spam. Spam filters have improved and we don’t bother to check the Junk Mail folder any more because we know it’s all junk. Oh, sure, some crud gets through to the Inbox from the bad guys but on the whole...
Jan 16, 2013 | bruceb, business, computers, network, remote, security, updates, Windows10, Windows7, Windows8
Your brush with danger from the weekend Java vulnerability ought to help you appreciate the importance of staying up to date on all the programs targeted by malware: Windows, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Java, Flash, Adobe Acrobat & Reader, and the other...
Dec 21, 2012 | Android, Apple, bruceb, Google, iPad, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, OneDrive, phone, Surface, web_services, Windows Phone 8, Windows8
Season’s greetings! I hope you all get lovely new technology for the holidays and have a wonderful time poking and clicking and pinching and zooming! I’ve been looking ahead to 2013, trying to guess what will fill our time in the technology world next year. Here are...