Jan 1, 2012 | Amazon, bruceb, computers, IE, laptops, Microsoft, security, web_services, Windows7
LogMeIn has moved far ahead of its competitors for working with computers remotely. It introduced major changes to its product lineup a couple of days before Christmas – not a good time to get much attention but an appropriate time to deliver lovely presents, since...
Dec 16, 2011 | bruceb, business, computers
Previously: Live Tech Support From Microsoft Answer Desk The Changing Landscape For SMB IT Consultants Lots of forces are combining to change the services that you need for your small business or law firm, and at first glance most of them appear to limit my...
Dec 14, 2011 | bruceb, business, computers, Microsoft, network, web_services
When Microsoft announced that it will provide free or cheap support for Windows and Office and common computer problems, it wasn’t a surprise for any IT consultant who’s been paying attention. This is a look behind the scenes, some thoughts about the trends that are...
Dec 7, 2011 | backup, bruceb, web_services
We’re all busy. Life is full of choices about what deserves attention and what should be passed off to someone else. The Bruceb Cloud Backup service is managed and monitored. When you sign up for Bruceb Cloud Backup, I watch your backups remotely. If there’s a...