Dec 17, 2009 | bruceb, computers, security, Vista, WinXP
Keeping your computer up to date is the only way to be secure. If your home or office computer needs housekeeping, I’m standing by to clean things up. I’ll install security updates, remove unnecessary programs, and put on powerful, free antivirus software from...
Oct 12, 2009 | bruceb, computers, security, Vista, Windows7, WinXP
I’m happy to announce a new service available to anyone looking for some help maintaining a Windows XP or Vista PC – office users, home users, my clients, your parents, anyone who could use a hand, anywhere. My colleague Mike Cook of MC Solutions and I will tune up...
Oct 6, 2009 | bruceb, Google, web_services
Blogger is a free service for setting up and hosting blogs. It was one of the earliest web-publishing services and it remains very popular. The bruceb news page has been hosted by Blogger since 2001. Blogger is broken in an interesting way – bear with me while I tell...