Sep 10, 2022 | bruceb, domains, Google, news
On September 11, 1997, I registered the domain name “” Four days later Larry Page and Sergey Brin registered the name “” I expect Google will congratulate itself on its anniversary later this week, like it did five years ago. Pfft. I know who the...
Sep 6, 2022 | books, bruceb
Every month I buy a piece of fine art. I order a book from Suntup Editions. Paul Suntup has been publishing beautifully crafted books since 2018 – “editions that are crafted by book artisans such as letterpress printers, hand bookbinders, paper makers and...
Jul 20, 2022 | augmented reality, books, bruceb, humor
Uncommon Scents is a novel by – why, it’s by me! And by Jim Rowson, a former Google software engineer, who has joined me in writing a a cautionary frolic that has more humor and 80% less dystopia than the average near-future thriller. Jim should not be held...
May 1, 2022 | books, bruceb
In 2016, Paul Suntup founded Suntup Press, which produces finely crafted limited edition books for a small but intensely devoted audience. Earlier this year, Suntup shipped its crowning achievement to date, 350 copies of a stunning production of Blood Meridian. Each...
Apr 28, 2022 | books, bruceb
Today’s sermon concerns Cormac McCarthy, our greatest living author. McCarthy is extraordinarily reclusive; he lives in New Mexico, to the best of anyone’s knowledge, and he has given one and only one interview during his long career. He doesn’t do book tours or...
Mar 6, 2022 | Amazon, Apple, augmented reality, Azure, bruceb, business, Facebook, Google, Internet, Microsoft, virtual reality
I’ve been trying to figure out a role for Bruceb News in 2022. My life has changed – I’m working with Jim Rowson on our latest best-selling novel SMelL and I’m not doing much IT work any more, as planned. But I still devour tech news hungrily, scanning hundreds...