Jul 2, 2014 | backup, bruceb, business, downtime, SBS, security, Server 2012, software, web_services
I’m pleased to announce that Bruceb Backup Pro is now available for small offices that want maximum protection and fast crisis recovery. All of the details are now available online on brand new web pages. Well, actually it’s all just a lightly-modified rewrite of the...
Jun 22, 2014 | backup, bruceb, web_services
Bruceb Cloud Backup offers monitored online backups for small businesses and home computers. I’m happy to announce a major upgrade that lowers costs and makes it easier to take advantage of the service. For a single low price, the Bruceb Cloud Backup program can be...
Jun 4, 2014 | backup, bruceb, business, downtime, SBS, Server 2012, web_services
Bruceb Backup Pro is intended to meet the challenge of business continuity with backups that are secure, redundant, and focused on disaster recovery. I’ll be offering Bruceb Backup Pro to clients later this month. Each element has been chosen to complement the rest...
Dec 15, 2013 | Amazon, bruceb, Dell, Lenovo, shopping
At this special time of year, perhaps your thoughts turn – as mine do – to the truly meaningful things in life, like: What can you do to help Bruce have a happy Christmas? There’s one easy thing. If you have any last-minute shopping to do at Amazon between now and...