Jul 8, 2020 | bruceb, business, web_services
I was going to sell collectible books on eBay. I’ve got first editions and small press limited editions. I know how to pack books so they arrive safely, and I intended to price things just below market so people feel they’re treated fairly. Fortunately...
Jun 14, 2020 | business, news, web_services
Zoom just reported one of the best quarters in software history, perhaps one of the best earnings reports in the history of American business. The rapid adoption of videoconferencing has been one of the most dramatic technology changes caused by the pandemic, and it...
Apr 6, 2020 | business, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, OneCare, OneDrive, Outlook, software
Shared communication is one of the underpinnings of civilization. It sets humans apart from animals. Microsoft is engaged in a long-term effort to prevent us from being able to understand each other. I don’t know why. The company doesn’t appear to be run...
Mar 30, 2020 | Azure, business, Google, Internet, Microsoft, news, remote, Teams, video, web_services
Across the globe, hundreds of millions of people are using their Internet connection more intensely than they did just a few weeks ago. Usage ramped up so quickly that the infrastructure is being stretched past its limits. I don’t have any tips. You don’t...
Mar 22, 2020 | business, remote, software, web_services, Windows tips
A lot of you are working remotely, connecting to an office computer from a home computer or laptop. Here are some tips that can improve that experience – setting your office computer not to go to sleep, two tips for dual monitors, and a way to improve a blurry...
Feb 16, 2020 | Amazon, business, news, shopping
You probably have the idea that you can use the power of the Internet to compare prices and find deals. Savvy travelers look for advice about the best time to buy airline tickets for a trip – on a Tuesday, about 90 days before the trip, right? You compare several...