Dec 23, 2019 | bruceb, business, Chrome, Facebook, Google, Google Home, home assistants, LastPass, mail, Microsoft, mobile, news, Office, Office 365, OneDrive, Outlook, phone, Politics, Privacy, security, Windows10
(This will be the last Bruceb News article until I recover from an upcoming business conference trip to Hawaii. Happy holidays!) I think I accomplished two goals in 2019: writing articles about privacy and security that were so terrifying that they kept you awake at...
Dec 16, 2019 | business, Facebook, Google, law, news, Politics, Privacy
Your personal information is being bought and sold by companies that lurk in the shadows. You’ve never heard of them. That’s the way they like it. This is the most important issue that affects your privacy today. Let’s start with a tight focus....
Nov 24, 2019 | business, Facebook, games
The future of virtual reality may depend on headcrab zombies. Last week, game developer Valve Corporation made a bombshell announcement: it will release a new VR game, Half-Life: Alyx, in March 2020. The gaming and virtual reality communities are going nuts –...
Nov 7, 2019 | Amazon, Android, Apple, audio, business, Cortana, Echo, Google, Google Home, hardware, home assistants, Samsung, web_services
Part 1: Ambient Computing – Buzzwords That Are Changing Your World Part 2: Google Wants To Surround You With Invisible Assistants Google, Amazon, and Apple are the only companies capable of surrounding us with connected networks of devices and services. Google...
Oct 6, 2019 | business, Facebook, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Privacy, spam, web_services, Windows10
I hate to interrupt the steady flow of happiness and joy in the news, but I want to call your attention to a small way that our civilization is degrading into a dystopian hell. Once I describe it, you’ll notice it everywhere. The web is filled with dark patterns...
Sep 8, 2019 | Android, Apple, business, Google, Google Home, home assistants, Microsoft, mobile, search
When you search for the phone number for Bruceb Consulting, Google shows the phone number. Does that seem obvious? It’s a relatively recent change. Google only began serious efforts to provide One True Answer to search queries a few years ago. It completely...