Feb 6, 2019 | business, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Office 365, OneNote, Outlook, Teams, web_services
Microsoft Teams is an Office 365 service that businesses can use for their employees to chat and collaborate, providing an alternative (and perhaps a replacement) for email inside the company. Although it’s relatively new, Teams has quickly become a strategic priority...
Jan 9, 2019 | Amazon, Apple, business, news, Politics
The Chinese government has put secret spy chips on US government servers. They’re stealing secrets from Apple and Amazon. And the US government is engaged in a massive effort to prevent us from learning anything about it, for unknown reasons. Maybe. How about this:...
Jan 6, 2019 | Amazon, Apple, Box, bruceb, business, Dropbox, Facebook, Google, Google Home, home assistants, Microsoft, OneDrive, Samsung, security, web_services, Windows10
Remember when I wrote an article a year ago predicting that always-connected computers would be heavily promoted in 2018? Yeah, about that: not even close. Nada. All the buzz died away when the first PCs in that category turned out to be underpowered and, well, pretty...
Nov 25, 2018 | Adobe, Amazon, Apple, business, Dropbox, Office, video, web_services
You’re going to be so fed up with subscriptions by the end of next year that you will want to scream. Want to play a game? Before you read further, think about your recurring monthly expenses for digital services, devices, and subscription boxes. Write down a quick...
Sep 26, 2018 | business, mail, Outlook, security
We have to talk about passwords. We’re going to start exactly where you expect: with a lecture about your sloppy habits, as if you’re a kid who’s about to be sent to the corner. I can’t avoid giving this lecture. It’s my job as a parent....
Aug 29, 2018 | Adobe, Apple, Azure, Box, business, Cortana, Google, home assistants, IE, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, OneDrive, Outlook, Skype, Surface, web_services
Microsoft does not have an ecosystem for consumers or small businesses in 2018. There is very little synergy between Microsoft products and almost nothing locks us into Microsoft products when we move from one category to another. It makes old-timers sad to think of...