Jan 25, 2011 | bruceb, business, computers, laptops, Microsoft, software, Vista, web_services, Windows7, WinXP
Previously: Bruceb Consulting Offers New Patch Management Service Yesterday I announced that my monitoring software will also install patches and updates for my clients. Let me give you a few more details about that service. This works just as well for home computers...
Jan 24, 2011 | bruceb, business, computers, remote, SBS, security, software, updates, Vista, web_services, Windows7, WinXP
I am excited to announce a new service for all my clients – patching and updating your workstations. Bruceb Consulting Monitoring will review and install updates to Windows, Office, Firefox, Java, Flash, Adobe Reader, and other important programs and utilities –...
Jan 7, 2011 | Android, Apple, business, Google, hardware, iPad, laptops, Microsoft, tablet
The Consumer Electronics Show is keeping gadget freaks happy in Las Vegas this week. I can’t begin to tell you anything in depth – it is a frenzied scene, with close to a hundred thousand people looking at devices from literally thousands of exhibitors. Only a...
Dec 22, 2010 | Android, business, mail, mobile, Outlook, phone
I’m going to show you an app for Android phones and tablets that is not for everybody – but a few of you will like it quite a lot, and it might give the rest of you something to think about. The prerequisites: EXCHANGE It’s increasingly common for small business...
Dec 9, 2010 | business, network, SBS, security, software, Vista, Windows7
Here’s a moderately geeky tip about how to fix a nagging problem when a mapped drive disappears during installation of a program from a shared folder on another computer on the network. Until a small business starts to use a document management system, it almost...
Dec 7, 2010 | Amazon, business, DRM, file_sharing, shopping
Our online purchases and subscriptions and services are associated with accounts linked to an email address. Be careful when you set up accounts and make purchases! These are turning into long-term relationships that need to be right. A concrete example: buy Kindle...