Jul 12, 2010 | Apple, business, Internet, Microsoft, web_services
There is an interesting consequence to the development of a global population obsessed by technology: it’s become very difficult to introduce a new service and have sufficient capacity for it to start successfully. It’s nothing new. Back in 2004 online gaming service...
Jun 15, 2010 | business, Microsoft, Office, Outlook, shopping, software
Previously: Office 2010 – Technology Guarantee Microsoft Office 2010 – Suite Comparisons Should You Buy Microsoft Office 2010? Microsoft Office 2010 went on sale Tuesday at local stores and through online retailers. My articles, linked above, describe some of the...
May 25, 2010 | business, Outlook
You’re busy, you have trouble remembering everything on your to-do list, and you’re overwhelmed with email. Of course you are! It’s like writing a horoscope or a fortune cookie – the same things are true for everyone. If Microsoft Outlook is one of the main tools you...
May 6, 2010 | business, Facebook, Internet, security, web_services
In the golden glow of hindsight, there was a wonderful time when big companies would do things that were good for their customers because that was likely to be the most profitable choice, and because it was the right thing to do. Big companies still consider doing...
May 3, 2010 | business, DRM, video
Ah, Avatar. Extraordinary movie-making, one of the prettiest movies ever to hit the screen. The perfect movie for your new Blu-Ray player and HD TV – it will look splendid. Well, that’s if it will play. And if the disc in the stores now is the one you want to buy....
Apr 5, 2010 | broadband, business, web_services
BROADBAND While high-visibility battles are fought over health care and regulation of financial institutions, there are equally important things happening at a lower level, as federal agencies begin to reassert themselves under the leadership of people who believe in...