Apr 15, 2008 | audio, business, law
This is for my lawyer friends and clients – and anyone who enjoys seeing a lawyer smack down a company that deserves it. Monster Cable makes high-end, expensive audio and video cables. It’s not obvious that Monster Cables are worth the price –...
Apr 6, 2008 | broadband, business, Internet
At its heart, “net neutrality” involves a simple question: Should your Internet provider have any control over how you use your Internet connection? You’re accustomed to being able to reach any Internet site freely and you assume you can run any kind...
Mar 14, 2008 | business, computers
I can’t let the moment pass without acknowledging the loss of a dear friend. Magazines were a crucial source of information in the primitive days before the Internet. PC Magazine was a trusted advisor, devoured eagerly every two weeks for details of the latest...
Feb 1, 2008 | business, Microsoft
Microsoft has made an unsolicited bid to buy Yahoo for $44.6 billion. Yahoo has been struggling to find a place in a world dominated by Google; it just spent a year analyzing its position and coming up without any particularly strong ideas to turn things around. In...
Jan 28, 2008 | Amazon, Apple, audio, business, software
There have been a lot of changes in digital music recently, many of them favorable for consumers. People are recognizing the value of the MP3 format, free of any licensing restrictions. If you are ripping your CDs, make sure you use the MP3 format at a high enough bit...
Jan 22, 2008 | business, computers, Dell
Dell made an unwelcome phone call to one of my clients about the order for his new home computer. I’d hate to think Dell is going to make a habit of it. I’ve been involved in ordering hundreds of computers from Dell over the years. Orders placed online...