Jul 27, 2007 | broadband, business, Google, mobile, phone, wireless
In 2009, new frequencies will become available in the US for handling voice and data. The frequencies are currently being used for analog television, but the FCC decided years ago that analog television would no longer be supported after 2009; the frequencies are...
Jul 2, 2007 | business, Google, phone
Google announced on Monday that it has acquired GrandCentral, the remarkable collection of telephone services. Here’s Google’s announcement of the acquisition, and here’s GrandCentral’s announcement. I wrote about GrandCentral a few weeks ago;...
Jun 26, 2007 | business, Google
In April, Google announced its $3.1 billion acquisition of DoubleClick. It was treated as Big News and generated lots of press but I found it hard to understand what the deal meant to Google and its competitors. Clearly it meant a lot to Microsoft, which paid $6...
Jun 19, 2007 | audio, business
If you listen to online radio – Yahoo! Launchcast, Pandora, Live365, streaming radio stations, smaller webcasters – be prepared for a Day of Silence on June 26, when thousands of webcasts will go dead as a dramatic illustration of the likely effect of...
May 4, 2007 | business, Microsoft
The press is full of speculation that Microsoft and Yahoo are trying to strike a deal. The New York Post and the Wall Street Journal have both reported that discussions are going forward, assisted by investment bank Goldman Sachs, about some kind of link –...
May 2, 2007 | business, Internet, web_services
LinkedIn is the hot web site of 2007, getting lots of press and growing fast, fueled by a new infusion of investment capital and a big promotional push. Here’s a few articles to give you more details: Red Herring, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Business Week, and...