Oct 31, 2006 | business, Internet
The landscape is changing for new and old players. It’s interesting to watch the ground shift and wonder where our world of information is going.MySpace and Facebook have reached plateaus. The Wall Street Journal reports that MySpace is facing a backlash from...
Sep 7, 2006 | business, Internet, software
If you’re an AOL subscriber, you must have a masochistic streak. Or perhaps a very long memory and nostalgia for the years when AOL software made things easier to do online, instead of the buggy, bloated, advertising-laden mess that it’s become. In a bold...
Aug 29, 2006 | business, hardware
The people marketing to consumers are malicious and hostile. Or possibly they’ve been kidnapped and replaced by aliens bent on driving us crazy. Those are the only explanations that make sense.You may have read the media coverage of Intel’s blazing new...
Aug 16, 2006 | business, hardware
Although Dell is the featured name in the headlines for its notebook battery recall, don’t overlook that this is Sony’s fault and Sony is paying for the embarrassing cleanup. It continues Sony’s nearly unbroken record of technology...
Aug 15, 2006 | Apple, business, Microsoft
OneStat.com reported yesterday that Windows XP is responsible for almost 87 percent of all Web usage, while all Windows versions combined account for 97 percent of Web usage. These days that’s a fair measure of an operating system’s market share.The second...
Jul 30, 2006 | broadband, business
The telcos and cable companies are close to completing their attempt to take over the Internet. Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) almost pushed through legislation that would allow them to gorge on profits milked from other big companies, while disrupting or destroying...