Nov 7, 2003 | Apple, audio, business
The Register’s article today helps us understand the online music services. Apple’s iTunes store charges 99 cents per song. Apple claims it is the most popular of several competing services selling authorized downloadable music. Apple is losing money on...
Jul 8, 2003 | business, video
You’ve just gotta see the Honda commercial airing in the UK. Here’s a page where you can view the commercial in your browser – Flash required. It’s about 4Mb total, so it may be jerky or slow to appear on a dialup connection. Here’s an article about how the commercial...
Jun 23, 2003 | business, Internet
ICANN was intended to be an autonomous, independent body charged with making decisions about the World Wide Web, particularly concerning registration of domain names. Its main benefactor is Verisign, formerly Network Solutions, the company that at one time had a...