Mar 3, 2003 | business, Internet
Click here and spend some time with one of the most interesting and enlightening articles I’ve ever read about the technology industry. I’m impressed. It pulls information together from a huge variety of sources and presents it with remarkable insight and...
Jan 31, 2003 | business, law
Here’s an odd web site that you might want to visit. A class action lawsuit against CD distributors was settled and a fund has been set up with 67 million dollars in it. Anyone filing a claim before March 3 might get a check up to twenty dollars. Or it might be less,...
Jan 20, 2003 | business, hardware
Iomega never recovered from the double blow of manufacturing defective Zip drives and failing to foresee the world of cheap, ubiquitous recordable CDs. It has no growth products and no new ideas. Apparently it’s been hoarding cash and cutting costs. According to this...