Aug 16, 2021 | Amazon, Apple, business, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, news, Politics
They’re too damn big! Admit it, that’s your gut feeling about the five giant tech companies – Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft. It’s a constant refrain in the news, and it’s starting to be an assumption in our conversations. They need to be cut down to...
Jul 14, 2021 | business, cybersecurity, law, Politics, security
On July 3 the Russian hacking group REvil infiltrated tools distributed by a security and monitoring firm – Kaseya, this time – and slipped ransomware into thousands of business networks. Today REvil has disappeared, a curious twist in the story of the Kaseya hack –...
Jul 8, 2021 | broadband, business, Facebook, Google, news, science
The longest mudslide in history was just reported by an international team of researchers. Huge quantities of sand and mud traveled nearly 750 miles, causing significant damage along the way. You didn’t miss it in the news. It didn’t get much notice because the...
May 23, 2021 | bruceb, business, Microsoft, network, SBS, Server 2012, Vista, Windows10, Windows7
Have you ever had that feeling of working your whole life at a job, great career, helped lots of people, but you realize as you reach retirement that your job has become obsolete over the years and you didn’t quite realize it? It’s not really a problem, you’re...
May 16, 2021 | business, cybersecurity, law, news, security
Ransomware is big business. I mean that in the most boring way possible. Have you been following the news about the Colonial Pipeline hack? There is a nuance that sheds much light on the modern world, but to get to it I need to be sure you have the basic facts of...
May 2, 2021 | business, Privacy, security
You know the big three credit bureaus, right? It’s always entertaining to watch the gyrations of the random number they assign to each of us called a “credit score.” It’s the credit bureaus that cause your blood pressure to spike when you find out how inaccurate their...