Jul 21, 2001 | Amazon, business
The Los Angeles Times put together an interesting story about whether Amazon.com can survive. “On Monday, Amazon is expected to report its 17th consecutive unprofitable quarter, a money-losing streak with few precedents for a company its size in American...
Jul 7, 2001 | business, Microsoft
Here’s an article about Kodak’s contention that Microsoft is using its monopoly power unfairly to “pry its way into new businesses” with Windows XP. A lot of companies are currently getting a sympathetic ear in the press with their complaints...
Jun 28, 2001 | broadband, business
DSL was supposed to be the future of the Internet – the technology that would bring broadband to the masses and fuel the technologies that depend on high-speed access. It didn’t happen that way. This article describes what happened to Covad and the entire...
Jun 7, 2001 | broadband, business
When the AOL TIme Warner merger was being evaluated, one important issue concerned “open access” to the new company’s cable systems. If AOL Time Warner refused to let anyone else use its cable systems to deliver Internet access, then it would be in a...
Apr 26, 2001 | business, Microsoft
Microsoft has revamped its bCentral web site, a collection of services and resources for small businesses. One interesting example is the offer to design and host a web site from scratch for $399. That’s the price for a custom design with a generic but...
Apr 23, 2001 | Amazon, business
Did you see that Borders is handing its web site to Amazon? Borders will close its own site, and Amazon will open a new site that features both logos, with Amazon essentially taking all responsibility for inventory and order fulfillment. At one time it was thought...