Nov 19, 2020 | Amazon, business, Facebook, Google, Internet, law, news, Politics, web_services
Settle down, this is important. We’re going to talk about Section 230. I understand that you have no idea what that is. For now, take my word for it. I wouldn’t put you through this if it wasn’t a big deal. Section 230 is the key to understanding Facebook and Twitter....
Sep 13, 2020 | business, Facebook, Google, Internet
The advertising business doesn’t work the way you think it does. You figure you’ve pretty well got it – you watched Mad Men, right? Back in the 1960s, cigarette-smoking men from ad agencies would wine and dine with publishers and TV executives to get a...
Sep 8, 2020 | business, security
The phone rings. It’s a scammer. “I’m calling from Microsoft about a problem with your computer.” “I’m calling from the IRS to discuss your past-due tax bill.” “Would you like to contribute to the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation?” Don’t sympathize with the...
Jul 26, 2020 | Apple, business, hardware, Microsoft, Samsung, Windows10
These events have paved the way for Apple to dominate personal computing in the next five years. Intel has failed at keeping up with the needs of a mobile population. The best Intel processors are powerful, but Intel’s entire lineup lags far behind ARM processors for...
Jul 19, 2020 | Android, Apple, business, computers, Microsoft, Windows10
Anyone who tries to predict the future is a fool. We can’t predict what will happen next month, much less next year or five years from now. So I’m going to make a prediction. In the next five years, Apple will come to dominate personal computing in much the same way...
Jul 8, 2020 | bruceb, business, web_services
I was going to sell collectible books on eBay. I’ve got first editions and small press limited editions. I know how to pack books so they arrive safely, and I intended to price things just below market so people feel they’re treated fairly. Fortunately...