Mar 23, 2014 | audio, computers, shopping, video
It shouldn’t be a surprise that computers don’t have to be large any more – we’re accustomed to laptops that are razor thin and weigh three pounds, after all. But it’s still surprising to see the Intel NUC, a powerful, full-featured computer stuffed into a four-inch...
Mar 13, 2014 | computers, Microsoft, security, updates, WinXP
On April 8, 2014, Microsoft will end support for Windows XP. If you haven’t taken all Windows XP computers out of service by April 2014, you and your business will be vulnerable to data theft, identity theft, PC vandalism, viruses, and malware. “End of support” means...
Feb 28, 2014 | computers, Dell, laptops, Lenovo, Microsoft, shopping, Surface, tablet
In the market for a new desktop computer? Laptop? Tablet? Phone? Good luck! There are way too many choices. I can’t imagine how you pick one. The good news is that almost everything is good enough, especially in the desktop and laptop worlds. Just about everything on...
Feb 5, 2014 | computers, Microsoft, updates, Windows7, Windows8
Desktop computer sales are plummeting. Windows 8 is preparing to slink offstage after a fairly disastrous time in the spotlight, to be replaced in early 2015 by the Newer! Brighter! Better! Windows 9. No one is enthusiastic about buying a computer any more. It’s just...
Feb 2, 2014 | computers, Internet, security, Vista, Windows7, Windows8, WinXP
These are the rules for being safe using a Windows computer in 2014. The bad guys are even scarier this year. You will get phony email messages that look perfect – nothing to give away that the messages don’t really come from your bank, the IRS, UPS, Microsoft, or,...
Jan 12, 2014 | Android, Apple, computers, Google, hardware, laptops, Microsoft, mobile, tablet, Windows8
The world is changing. Here’s an anecdote to help you understand just how fast it’s happening. My wife was at a conference last week attended by a hundred medical and legal professionals. Each person had a device for viewing the speaker slides and taking notes. Three...