Apr 14, 2011 | Adobe, Apple, backup, computers, IE, Internet, mail, Microsoft, security, Vista, Windows7, WinXP
These are the rules for being safe using a Windows computer in 2011. Memorize them, tape them to your refrigerator, pass them on to your friends! Install updates from Microsoft promptly. Look in the lower right corner for the gold shield (WinXP) or update icon...
Mar 16, 2011 | Apple, business, computers
It’s obvious by now that nothing pursued by Apple should be underestimated. Apple has had its share of unsuccessful projects over the years that languished or died, but it has all the momentum in 2011 to move things forward simply by focusing on them. Small businesses...
Feb 20, 2011 | business, computers, hardware, Internet, Microsoft, network, remote, SBS, software, web_services
Feeling confident about your ability to keep up with the pace of change? You ain’t seen nothing yet. Small businesses will soon have the option to have all of their computing power hosted offsite. No servers in the closet; no workstations under the desks. Onsite...
Jan 25, 2011 | bruceb, business, computers, laptops, Microsoft, software, Vista, web_services, Windows7, WinXP
Previously: Bruceb Consulting Offers New Patch Management Service Yesterday I announced that my monitoring software will also install patches and updates for my clients. Let me give you a few more details about that service. This works just as well for home computers...
Jan 24, 2011 | bruceb, business, computers, remote, SBS, security, software, updates, Vista, web_services, Windows7, WinXP
I am excited to announce a new service for all my clients – patching and updating your workstations. Bruceb Consulting Monitoring will review and install updates to Windows, Office, Firefox, Java, Flash, Adobe Reader, and other important programs and utilities –...
Dec 28, 2010 | Android, Apple, computers, mobile, phone, shopping, Windows7
You may be wondering where to start with the shiny new technology that appeared under the tree – after all, there are reportedly 200,000 Android apps and almost 500,000 iPhone apps, of which possibly 14 are worthwhile. How do you find the good ones? Engadget...