Apr 8, 2008 | computers, Microsoft, security, Vista, WinXP
Your computer will restart tonight. It’s Patch Tuesday, the second Tuesday of the month, when Microsoft releases security updates that will be automatically installed overnight. All of you have upgraded to Microsoft Update so you get patches for Office programs...
Apr 6, 2008 | computers, hardware, software, video, Vista
Wrestling with a black screen drew my attention to the world of video cards and computer graphics. Vista’s pretty visual effects – translucent borders, 3D flipping through windows, live thumbnail previews of windows from the taskbar and the like –...
Apr 4, 2008 | computers, hardware, video, Vista
Spent a few hours chasing down a problem with my office computer last night. It’s just remarkable how many ways our computers can go wrong, isn’t it? Honest, I would gladly give up much of my job security if it meant our technology would work more...
Mar 26, 2008 | computers, Microsoft, software, Vista, WinXP
Windows XP will stop being sold by computer manufacturers (Dell, HP, and the rest) on June 30, 2008. Too many people have been writing too much nonsense about Windows Vista, creating the perception that it should be avoided. The approaching deadline will cause a...
Mar 19, 2008 | Apple, computers, IE, software
A client asked me about an update window that had popped up so I sat down in front of “Apple Updates” and stared at the three programs listed – “updates” to iTunes, QuickTime, and Safari. I’m as burned out as anybody on the unending...