Mar 16, 2008 | backup, computers, hardware, Home_Server, Microsoft, network, remote
The products developed using Microsoft’s Windows Home Server software do a number of extremely useful things – backups, remote access, file and photo sharing, and file storage – using a very smart mixture of new and old technology. Here are...
Mar 14, 2008 | business, computers
I can’t let the moment pass without acknowledging the loss of a dear friend. Magazines were a crucial source of information in the primitive days before the Internet. PC Magazine was a trusted advisor, devoured eagerly every two weeks for details of the latest...
Mar 13, 2008 | computers, Google, IE, Microsoft, software, Vista
My office computer is a powerful Dell tower, with an Nvidia video card and too much software. I choose software carefully, but I use a lot of programs and there is an alarming number of icons down by the clock. I am constantly installing new software,...
Mar 12, 2008 | computers, hardware
My stick doesn’t work. The Dell Latitude D630 is my favorite laptop, just the right combination of light weight and computing power and screen size, with nothing left out – a full complement of USB ports and an integrated DVD drive and a hefty battery. The...
Mar 6, 2008 | computers, Microsoft, software, Vista
Microsoft has been researching speech recognition for more than fifteen years. It has released enterprise products like Speech Server for telephony systems, and built rudimentary voice commands into Windows Mobile so that a woman whispers “Say a command!”...
Mar 3, 2008 | computers, hardware, Microsoft, software, Vista
More evidence confirms that poor decisions by Microsoft played an important role in creating the public perception that Vista is a failed operating system. Vista may never recover from the last year of relentless criticism and the lack of support from the computing...