Nov 14, 2007 | computers, hardware, Vista
Here’s another Vista feature worth knowing about.To perform well, Vista requires 2Gb of system memory. That’s partially because Vista is more demanding than Windows XP but it’s also because we’re all running more programs simultaneously as the...
Nov 8, 2007 | backup, computers, hardware, Home_Server, Microsoft, network, photos, remote
Microsoft’s Windows Home Server just arrived on the market – and it’s what you want for Xmas.I’ll give you a short overview and some links for you to click on, but let’s do some superlatives first. Windows Home Server is the coolest...
Oct 29, 2007 | Apple, computers, hardware, Microsoft, software, Vista, WinXP
I wish we could count on the software and hardware vendors to play fair and treat us well, but it’s not happening. We have to take responsibility for our computers.When Windows XP and Vista are installed on freshly formatted hard drives, they are secure,...
Sep 30, 2007 | computers, hardware, Home_Server, law, network
As always, there’s new technology that’s becoming commonplace even though we hadn’t really noticed it yet. Let’s start with network-attached storage – “NAS.”Our appetite for storage space is voracious. Businesses and law firms...
Aug 27, 2007 | Apple, business, computers
Acer, the third largest PC manufacturer globally, announced that it is acquiring Gateway and the eMachines brand purchased by Gateway a few years ago.I’m nostalgic about Gateway after all the years of buying computers in the famous cow-spotted boxes, but...
Aug 1, 2007 | computers, Dell, security, Vista
In the last couple of weeks I’ve set up several Dell Optiplex computers running Windows Vista from Dell’s small business division. Dell has seriously cut back on preinstalled software; there’s been virtually no unnecessary programs to remove, which...