Mar 29, 2006 | broadband, computers, Dell, laptops, mobile
Dell will roll out new business notebooks today, the Latitude D620 and D820, with two interesting features. Here’s an article about the rollout.First, they will have built-in support for Internet connections through Verizon or Cingular cellular networks. Up to...
Sep 28, 2005 | computers, Dell, hardware
Dell has turned the “XPS” name into a separate brand for upper-end PCs, notebooks, displays, and televisions. Here’s an article about Dell’s new push into the top of the market.As of tonight, Dell’s Small Business division doesn’t...
Jul 20, 2005 | computers, Dell, hardware
Dell has been on top of the computer retailing world for years. It has had a well-deserved reputation for providing better support than the other PC manufacturers.There are signs that Dell’s crown may be slipping – although unfortunately there is no one...
Dec 7, 2004 | audio, computers, hardware, video
HP has introduced a device for the living room that comes closer to a vision of the future than anything else on the market. The HP Digital Entertainment Center z545 ($1,999) is a computer at its heart, but that’s almost incidental. It’s a 480-line...
Nov 3, 2004 | computers, humor
John Dvorak’s column in PC Magazine today lists ten axioms of modern computing. He recommends simply accepting them; fighting them will make your life miserable. Although tongue is planted firmly in cheek, you will likely recognize more than a few things on the...