Oct 3, 2001 | computers, WinXP
Dell is taking orders for Windows XP systems across the board now. If you’ve been waiting – go buy a new system, like I did tonight!
Oct 1, 2001 | computers, laptops
I haven’t laid hands on this notebook computer, but it sure looks like a sweet deal on a Toshiba notebook from Costco Online – $1399.99 buys a Pentium III 1.0 GHz processor, 256Mb RAM, 20Gb hard drive, built-in DVD, 14″ TFT display, some 3D graphics...
Aug 29, 2001 | Amazon, computers
Amazon has opened up an online store for selling computers from major manufacturers – Compaq, HP, IBM, Toshiba, and Apple. Amazon inked a deal with Ingram Micro, the number one wholesale distributor of computer products, which minimizes Amazon’s exposure...