Mar 11, 2025 | cybersecurity, news, Politics
It’s difficult to keep up with the news this year. Oh, you noticed? I wouldn’t blame you if you’ve given yourself permission to detach from daily updates about the world as a way to preserve your mental health. I understand there’s a lot of that going around now. I’m...
Jan 2, 2023 | cybersecurity, LastPass, security, software
LastPass was hacked. It was a bad, bad hack. If you use LastPass, your passwords are probably fine. LastPass uses a very secure method to protect your secrets. You don’t have to panic. Isn’t the word “probably” an annoying thing to see in that...
Mar 28, 2022 | business, cybersecurity, law, news, Politics, security
Right from the outset, let’s agree to keep in mind that the Russia/Ukraine cyberwar may never heat up. The important developments in the next few days and weeks will likely happen only in the real world of guns and bombs. So set aside the cyberwar for a minute. Focus...
Mar 24, 2022 | cybersecurity, law, news, Politics, security
A lot of experts expected Russia to start its assault on Ukraine with a massive shock-and-awe cyberattack – turning off the country’s electricity, killing the Internet and phones, emptying all the bank accounts, causing planes to fall from the sky. Instead, Russia...
Jul 14, 2021 | business, cybersecurity, law, Politics, security
On July 3 the Russian hacking group REvil infiltrated tools distributed by a security and monitoring firm – Kaseya, this time – and slipped ransomware into thousands of business networks. Today REvil has disappeared, a curious twist in the story of the Kaseya hack –...
May 27, 2021 | Azure, backup, cybersecurity, mail, Microsoft, OneDrive, security, web_services
Educate. Encourage. Enforce. It’s all about security. That’s today’s job for a small business IT consultant. There’s been a consistent curve to technology adoption over the years: enterprises build their businesses around giant-sized technology-based processes, then...