Dec 8, 2008 | computers, domains, network, OneCare, SBS, security
One glitch in the SBS 2008 migration nagged at me – it didn’t make sense that the computers with the individual version of Windows Live OneCare were not reporting in to the SBS 2008 console, which tracks the security status of all the workstations on the...
Dec 5, 2008 | computers, domains, mail, Microsoft, mobile, network, OneCare, printers, SBS, security, software
Let me leave a few notes behind about some of the glitches during the migration from SBS 2003 to SBS 2008. I don’t have many answers but perhaps it will help someone to know that I’m able to commiserate with them. (Loyal clients – this is not aimed...
Dec 3, 2008 | domains, IE, Internet, mail, Microsoft, mobile, Outlook, phone, remote, SBS, security
Let me give you a quick overview of the kind of issue that makes it fun to be a consultant.When you go to a web site where any personal information is going to be exchanged, you’re likely to see the web site address change from http:// to https://. The data is...
Oct 22, 2008 | domains, network, OneCare, SBS, security
Microsoft Small Business Server 2008 will be released on November 12. Veterans of SBS 2003 are finding many things to like in the new version; I’ll have more to say about it in the next few weeks. Here’s an early look at the features and changes in SBS...
May 23, 2008 | domains, Google, Internet, Microsoft, web_services
If you’re looking for a quick way to get something online, take a look at what Google is doing.There’s no shortage of ways to get started online with a web site, a blog, a place for collaboration, a shared calendar, a shared photo gallery, or any of a...
Apr 10, 2008 | computers, domains, SBS, Vista
Microsoft has a special price of $99 for an upgrade to Vista Ultimate on PCs purchased from Best Buy, Staples, Circuit City, and Amazon through June, according to Paul Thurrott, normally a well-informed source. (I can’t find any reference to it on the Microsoft...