Jul 21, 2021 | Dropbox, Google, Google Drive, Microsoft, OneDrive, web_services
A few days ago Google announced a new/updated Google Drive app for Windows and Mac computers. It allows you to use File Explorer or Mac Finder to view and open files stored online in Google Drive – basically exactly the same thing you can do today with OneDrive,...
Jan 20, 2021 | Android, Apple, backup, Chrome, computers, Dropbox, Facebook, Google, Google Drive, Internet, laptops, LastPass, mail, Microsoft, mobile, Office 365, OneDrive, phone, security, software, spam, web_services, Windows10, Windows7
These are the rules for computer and online safety in 2021. Only your vigilance will protect you against bad guys. You will be safe if you are cautious. Stop and think before you click on links, before you call unfamiliar phone numbers, before you install programs,...
Jun 25, 2020 | Dropbox, Google Drive, mail, Microsoft, Office 365, security
Be careful when you read your email! I’ve noticed an increase in phishing messages in the last few months. The bad guys continue to improve their grammar and the presentation of their fake messages, to make it more likely that you’ll be fooled into giving them a...
Apr 22, 2020 | Dropbox, file_sharing, Google, Google Drive, Microsoft, Office 365, OneDrive, Teams, web_services
Dropbox started as a drop-dead simple product for individuals: a folder on your computer that seamlessly syncs with the cloud so you can work with the identical folder on all your other computers. That’s it! That’s all there was to it. Ten years ago, that...
Oct 21, 2019 | Android, Apple, Chrome, Google, Google Drive, mail, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, Outlook, software, Windows10
Need help with spelling and grammar? Of course you do! You already get help with your spelling. Microsoft Word and Outlook automatically fix common errors on the fly as you type, and flag possible misspellings with the familiar wavy line. Your phone auto-corrects your...
May 1, 2019 | Azure, Dropbox, Google, Google Drive, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, OneDrive, web_services
Google is trying to make the grass look greener in its walled garden, hoping to lure businesses that might otherwise stay loyal to Microsoft. The change it has announced sounds innocuous but might have big consequences in the long run. Google is adding native support...