Feb 27, 2017 | Apple, augmented reality, Google, HoloLens
Smart contact lenses are coming. There are no products on the market today and no one can predict how quickly the technology will be ready for public use, but it may be sooner than you think. If the technology can be developed, smart contact lenses have the potential...
Feb 20, 2017 | Android, Apple, audio, Chrome, Chromebook, Google, remote, video
Google Chrome is a web browser. I kind of vaguely knew that it could do other cool tricks. I stumbled on a pretty amazing Chrome app that I’ve been overlooking for five years. Sometimes it seems like Google is having all the fun with new technology. With Chrome Remote...
Feb 12, 2017 | Android, Chrome, Chromebook, Google, hardware, laptops
Chromebooks are poised to change the world. Delicately balanced. Teetering on the edge. Any day now, they’re going to take off. Whoosh! Any day now. Not today. Chromebooks are low-cost laptops that run Google’s ChromeOS instead of Windows. ChromeOS is basically the...
Feb 8, 2017 | Android, Apple, Chrome, Chromebook, Google, IE, LastPass, software, web_services
This is a tip that is basic, elementary, beginner level. Unless you don’t know it, in which case this will help you feel centered and peaceful – slightly radiant, really. Google Chrome syncs open tabs, bookmarks, and browsing history to all your devices. That’s...
Jan 3, 2017 | Amazon, Android, Apple, Dropbox, Facebook, Google, news, Vista
It’s the ten-year anniversary of one of the most important inflection points in history. 2007 was such an eventful year that its significance seems obvious in hindsight, but it’s gone unremarked until Thomas Friedman spelled it out in a new book. Thomas Friedman, the...
Dec 21, 2016 | Apple, augmented reality, Chromebook, Google, hardware, LinkedIn, Microsoft, news, Office, Office 365, Outlook, security, Windows10, wireless
Did you miss any Bruceb News articles in 2016? Maybe they slipped out of sight in your Inbox. Fun fact: when I look over my clients’ shoulders, I see that many of them file my articles in folders that have whimsical names like “Deleted Items” and “Junk Mail.”...