Oct 16, 2012 | Android, Apple, computers, Google, iPad, laptops, Microsoft, mobile, Office, phone, software, Surface, tablet, Windows7, Windows8
Windows 8 is a term that will be used to refer to several different things. It is the next operating system for Windows computers, but you’ll also see the name used loosely to describe a tablet operating system, a phone operating system, the environment for apps that...
Oct 7, 2012 | Google, Microsoft, Office 365, web_services, Windows Live
Here’s a tip for anyone who runs into trouble juggling multiple identities in Internet Explorer. Most of you can look away and stop taking notes – this is extra credit material and won’t be on the test. This is primarily of interest to anyone who provides tech...
Aug 27, 2012 | Amazon, Android, Apple, computers, Dell, Google, HP, iPad, laptops, Lenovo, Microsoft, mobile, phone, shopping, Surface, tablet, Windows8
Get some popcorn, keep a grip on your wallet, and settle down. The action is about to begin. There are big changes coming up in the world of mobile devices, and the thrilling conclusion will affect your computers as well when Microsoft officially releases Windows 8....
Aug 3, 2012 | Facebook, Google, mail, Microsoft, OneDrive, Outlook, web_services
When Microsoft realized that it was on the verge of missing the implications of the Internet, it famously turned the company around in the mid-90s, building web access into all of its products and working out the implications of online access more thoroughly than...
Apr 29, 2012 | Dropbox, file_sharing, Google, Google Drive, Microsoft, OneDrive, web_services
Previously: Dropbox, Microsoft Skydrive, Google Drive: Send In The Clones This is not an exhaustive list, just a few things that stand out about the cloud syncing services in their current forms. None of these is a reason to choose one or the other service, they’re...
Apr 26, 2012 | Android, Dropbox, file_sharing, Google, Google Drive, iPad, Microsoft, Office, OneDrive, web_services, Windows Live, Windows7, Windows8
Microsoft and Google each introduced services this week that are copies of Dropbox in rather precise detail. Taken together, these services represent a fundamental change in the way we use technology. Here’s my best effort to sum it up: Storing files on one device or...