Mar 1, 2012 | Google, HP, IE, Microsoft, software, Vista, Windows tips, Windows7, WinXP
We are under constant assault from advertisers seeking a foothold on our computers. We invite some of them into our lives voluntarily – every time you do a Google search or check your Facebook page, you’re making advertisers very happy (and making Google and...
Feb 6, 2012 | Apple, business, Google, Microsoft
Google is a fantastically rich company. It reported revenue of more than ten billion dollars in the fourth quarter of 2011. Google also offers a vast array of services. In addition to the search engine that we interact with dozens of times a day, Google runs all of...
Feb 3, 2012 | Android, Apple, Google, iPad, mobile, phone, tablet
Previously: Technology Is Not Getting Easier! Forbes published an article today that provides a nice postscript about new devices becoming more complex and cranky. Do iOS Apps Crash More Than Android Apps? A Data Dive is rich with details but the important lesson is...
Feb 3, 2012 | Amazon, Android, Apple, Google, iPad, Microsoft, phone, tablet
It’s supposed to be getting easier! After all, smartphones and tablets should be simple to use, right? iPhones and iPads are exposing hundreds of millions of people to Apple’s fabled ecosystem, and for years we’ve been told that everything is easy and intuitive in the...
Jan 29, 2012 | Android, Apple, Google, Google+, mobile, phone, photos, web_services
Most casual photos are taken with a smartphone now. There is something to be learned from a quick comparison of the process of getting photos from a phone to a computer on an iPhone and an Android phone. It’s a good way to understand why Apple is the most valuable...
Jan 12, 2012 | Facebook, Google, Google+, security, web_services does something very simple and very helpful – and it might be an eye-opener for some of you. The site has gathered shortcuts to the pages that list the permissions you’ve granted to access your information on eight social networking services:...